Friday 3 April 2020

Day 4

Here we are again. Today is Day 4 of the lockdown. Not much has happened today as it has been very quiet. Still quite a lot of people walking around and aimlessly I might add. Hmmm...Not very happy about it.

Yesterday I walked up to a supermarket which is about 10minutes for me and the road was empty. A few cars drove past (and a bit too fast I might add) but it was quiet. There were only 2 shoppers in the whole place and I giggled as I walked in. I am becoming quite good in getting what I need in record time. Reminds me of a video clip I saw where shoppers were given a short time to grab stuff off the shelves. First they were given a quiz and if they answered correctly, the shop owner would count from 10 backwards to give them time to grab as many items and put into their shopping baskets. A bit of fun to break the gloom and doom I suppose.

Today again in the UK, they were applauding the frontline workers keeping the country going. A chap in Glasgow decided to bring out his bagpipes and play and did he have his neighbours come out in droves! They are doing an amazing job and a few of my own personal friends find themselves among the frontline staff. I pray they stay healthy and continue to give off their best.

Read this afternoon that in the Netherlands,  samples of the novel Coronavirus had been found in their sewage before cases started to come through to their hospitals. I do not know what you must think, but this is quite scary.

What is happening where you are? Are you also undergoing a lockdown? Do share.

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